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About Us


Visionaries from every corner of the globe unite through the WDF to envision and construct a harmonious and sustainable future for humanity.

World Designing Forum is not just confined in organizing awards and recognition ceremony and the competition between the creators in all over the world, WDF is into a history Creators in the Fashion Industry and education era where we are establishing the team of Oracle of the Knowledge by the name of •Speakers •Analysts • Researchers •Moderators • across the globe. Which helps the chain of the Designers, as in every steps of your experience you need a mentor to learn more than you have. As learning is a never ending process even if you have more than 30 years of experience. We are creating an oracle for enhancing your creativity and knowledge under a roof of WDF.


The vision of the World Designing forum is to create a platform where budding designer to established designers can exchange their knowledge, skills, experience, researches, thesis and many more.. We create a hugely motivating sessions to know that something you’ve started has created value for others.

Come Join us

Unlock your creativity and be part of a global community at the World Designing Forum, where innovative minds collaborate to shape a brighter tomorrow.

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