A few words about

National Designer Awards

Award ceremony by years

"Dream Beyond Boundaries: Together we make it happen

The World Designing Forum serves as a platform where individuals from diverse fields and backgrounds can come together to discuss, collaborate, and co-create solutions for global challenges. It aims to facilitate meaningful conversations and problem-solving on various topics, such as sustainability, technology, education, healthcare, social issues, and more.


The forum encourages participants to share their visions, propose innovative ideas, and engage in constructive dialogue with like-minded individuals. By bringing together different perspectives and expertise, the World Designing Forum strives to foster creativity, cross-cultural understanding, and cooperation to tackle pressing issues and contribute to a better world.


Through active participation and exchange of knowledge, the forum aims to inspire actionable initiatives and projects that can make a positive impact on a global scale. It’s a space where individuals can connect, learn from each other, and work collaboratively towards a more sustainable and equitable future.